Gang's Tech Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘echo

I think most of us know the DOS command “time/T” which displays current system time without prompting for new time.

But If one needs more granular output, say in HH:MM:SS format, here is a way out, use “echo %TIME%” which expands to current time using same format as TIME command.

There are so many other things which can be echoed. For example, try any of the following variables:

%CD% – expands to the current directory string.

%DATE% – expands to current date using same format as DATE command.

%RANDOM% – expands to a random decimal number between 0 and 32767.

%ERRORLEVEL% – expands to the current ERRORLEVEL value

%CMDEXTVERSION% – expands to the current Command Processor Extensions version number.

%CMDCMDLINE% – expands to the original command line that invoked the Command Processor.

%PATH% – expands the current PATH variable.


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  • Rami Reddy: check whether are you dissable windows firewall or not, if enables windows firewall then you have to dissable then you can access clearcase
  • Henri Hein: Nice tip!
  • Lance Elot: Can you tell me a way by which I can store current time in a text file(file.txt) & then execute a command exactly in one hour(or any specified tim
